A print sure to become a talking point wherever it is displayed.
A cross between screen printing and photocopying, riso prints are created one colour at a time. A master screen is created for each colour of the design and is wrapped around a drum. As each piece of paper passed through, ink is fed through the screen onto the paper - creating slight variations in colouring. This is not an imperfection, but a feature of the riso print.
Your riso print is unique - like no other. Just like the West Coast.
This design - West Coast Tas - Leave Only Footprints features the bespoke West Coast hiker icon and represents the importance of being environmentally conscious and leaving the areas you explore across the West Coast as you find them - untouched and with only your footprints indicating human presence.
The print is A3 in size (29cm x 42cm) with the 2cm white edge around the design.